Wednesday, March 1, 2017


3.1.17 - Hi! Just so you know, I won't be making any videos this week and maybe not next week because I'm very busy lately. :)

Keep checking back to see any updates!

3.7.17 - Hello again! I didn't upload a video last week or on this Monday, but I am finishing some videos up so hopefully I can post one on Friday.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

AG tissues

Hello! I'm Rachel from Grayt Videos and here are the typed instructions for this craft:


To print: right click>left click>open in new tab>left click>print
- Supplies -

For box:
Straight, even object  (i.e. ruler)
X-acto knife/scissors
Card stock

For tissues:

To make the tissue box, start by printing out the printable. Glue it to card stock and cut it out. Don't forget the center tear-shape!

*Cutting out the tear shape is a lot easier with an X-acto knife, but it can be dangerous, so make sure to be careful and responsible. Also, it's good to wear goggles. ðŸ˜Ž

Then, score and fold on all the lines. Cut the short lines in-between the tabs so you will be able to glue them together.

Now, glue the tabs in place. Starting with the top small tabs, glue and fold under the big tab underneath them. Repeat for the other side.

 Then, take the second small tab and fold it under the same big tab as before. Once again, repeat on the other side.

 Cut the corners off of the long, white tab that says "glue" on it. Glue the big, long tab under the gray side.

 Then, glue the remaining tabs to close each end.

Now, you should have your tissue box!

Take a tissue, and cut it into 4 1/2" x 2 " rectangles. Fold each long side over by 1/4". Make many of these, stack them, and now your doll has tissues!

Now, put the tissues into the box, and your doll is all set if she has a cold. (If you're having trouble getting the tissues into the box, it helps to push the sides in with the end of a paintbrush, back of a pencil, etc.)

Thanks for watching! Make sure to check out my YouTube channel for exciting, different crafts you can make for your doll.

Link to my channel ->

Friday, February 17, 2017

AG cottage cheese

Hello! I'm Rachel from Grayt Videos and here's the typed instructions and video for this craft.


(polystyrene foam)

(none for this craft)


Foam, pictured  ->
Dryer sheet
Cling wrap
Ziploc bag
Small bowl
Puffy paint (white)
Clear drying glue
Container to put cottage cheese in/on
Mixing stick (craft sticks...etc)

Other supplies you may need:
Cling wrap
Tape or temporary glue

Links to buy:


Doll bowls & plates -"+doll+bowls

Miniature tupperware; similar to what I used -

First, take your ziploc bag and put the dryer sheet in. Then, break the foam into smaller pieces
(about 2x2 in.) and put them inside the bag. Seal the bag off with a little bit of air still inside.

After that, break the foam pieces up until they're mostly individual spheres. The reason why you should put the dryer sheet into the bag and break the foam up inside the bag is because the dryer sheet gets rid of the static and the bag helps to not spread the foam everywhere.

Next, add some puffy paint and the foam spheres and mix it together. The ratio of puffy paint to spheres should be about 1/2 the amount of puffy paint for every sphere. (filling up to about the halfway point of the spheres also works)

After that, add the ratio of about 1/4 the amount of glue to every sphere (or even less if you're running low works too). Then, mix everything together gently.

By now, it should look kind of like this.

Then, decide what container you'll want the cottage cheese to be in. Make sure you're certain what container you want so the cottage cheese can sit correctly. Pick one of the options below.

Take the cling wrap and place it securely over the item you want the cottage cheese to be on. Add the mixture; position it how you want it, and let it dry. Once it's dry, you should be able to put it in the bowl, on the plate, or other item and remove it easily.

Place the mixture in the bowl, on the plate, or other item and let dry completely.

Once you've completed all the steps, you should have cottage cheese for your doll!

Thanks so much for taking a look at this! Make sure to check out my YouTube channel, Grayt Videos, for more fun & easy crafts.

(P.S. In the future, I am hoping to making an extra video & post so your doll can have some fruit with the cottage cheese.)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

AG english muffins

Here is the video I've posted on YouTube:

Here are the printables that I've made for this craft:
Here are the typed instructions for this craft:

Here's what you'll need to make the english muffins:
Any kind of hardening clay
Paint (colors: brown, yellow & white)
A soft-bristle paintbrush
A hard-bristle paintbrush (or old toothbrush)
Mod podge
Size-guide printable

Here's what you'll need to make the english muffin box:
Thin, recycled cardboard
Glue (hot glue, glue stick or tape)
Mod podge
Plastic package wrap
Rubberband or paperclip

To make the english muffins, start by printing out the printable that I've made. Cut out the circle printable and set it aside.

Take your air dry clay, and shape it into a biscuit-shape. If you're wondering, I used homemade clay and colored it so I didn't have to paint it light tan later. Then, let it air dry or bake it.

Real english muffin for reference

Once your clay has dried, use the soft-bristled brush to paint the whole thing light tan. If you're using a matte paint, you'll need to mix it with mod podge before painting anything. Also, if you don't have a light tan, mix white with a little bit of brown and yellow. 

Once the paint has dried, paint the top of the english muffin light brown. I just added a bit more brown to the tan color so I didn't waste paint.

Then, take the hard-bristled brush and put a little bit of white or very light tan on it and flick the paint onto the top of the muffin.

If you want an opened english muffin, cut the shape in half before drying. Then, take a hard-bristled brush or toothbrush and a small paintbrush end to texture the inside so it looks like the muffin was broken apart. Paint this the same way as the closed muffins; and add some color to the inside of the clay so it looks realistic.
Real opened english muffin for reference

For extra protection, seal the muffins with Mod podge. This will make them last much longer. Once everything is dry, you have your english muffins! 

To make the english muffin box, start by taking the box printable and cutting it out. Be sure to cut off the corners as well. The printable shows you where to cut, so don't worry. 
Next, glue the printable to the patterned side of the cardboard. Score on all the lines and fold into a box shape. Glue or tape the tabs to the inside of the box. If desired, seal with Mod podge. 

To make the plastic wrapping, take the plastic and fold it out flat. Just to note, the piece I'm using is about 7 x 9 inches.
 Put the box on one side and fold the other half over. Glue the ends together. Cut off any excess plastic. Repeat for the back of the plastic.
Now you should have a plastic wrap to go over the box. Tie the open end together with a twisty-tie, rubberband, or unfolded paper clip.

Put the muffins inside and now your doll has english muffins!

Thank you so much for looking at this! Make sure to check out my blog for printables, other crafts, and more! I hope your dolls just love this craft. :)

Monday, February 6, 2017

AG paper bag

Here's the video instruction for this craft:

Here are the fantabulous printables for this craft:
to print: copy & paste into word>print

These are the written instructions for this craft:

Here's what you'll need to make the paper bag:

Paper or a real paper bag
Printable guide (optional, but it's very helpful)

First, you should print out the printable that I've made. Make sure to follow the printing instructions to get the right sized printable!!!

Then, cut it out and trace it onto whatever material you'd like the bag to be made of. Make sure not to throw away the template, as you'll need it for reference in the future.

 Below, I describe two methods to make the lines that you'll need to score on. Be sure to use a pencil so you can erase the marks. :D

Template method:
1.To use the template method (not as accurate), make sure that you start on the opposite side that the tab is on.
2.Place the template on the bag, longways and overlapping a bit, and make marks where the lines are on the bag.
3.Then, place the template on the bag, sideways and overlapping a bit; make lines where the sideways line is. If your bag layout looks like the template, it's done!

Ruler method:
1.To use the ruler method (easy & accurate), make sure that you start on the opposite side that the tab is on.
2.Starting from the left, mark 2", 1", 2" and 1" two last times.
3.Then, mark 1" from the bottom up. If your bag layout looks like the template, it's complete.

Now, score and fold on all of the lines. Then, take the 1"side tabs and fold them in half. This is a bit tricky, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. This will help with the shape of the paper bag.

Then, cut the short lines on the box. If you're having trouble with this, the template shows you exactly where to cut.

This next part is the tricky, so make sure to pay attention:

1.Glue on the small bottom tabs, and fold them under the big tab (template is helpful here!!!).
2.Then, fold the remaining big tab out.
3.Then, glue the side tab to the inside of the bag.
4.After that, glue the big tab (that we folded outwards earlier) to the bottom of the bag.

Now you have your paper bag! Fill it with you're doll's lunch, groceries, or anything else you want and enjoy!

Thanks for looking at this! Please make sure to check out my other blog posts for more crafts, printables, and videos. Also, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Grayt Videos for new crafts you can make for your doll (almost) every Monday and Friday.

(P.S. I didn't upload a video on Monday because this was a really difficult craft to make the printables for, make the design of the bag, and make the video etc... so this is the only video this week!)

Friday, February 3, 2017

AG Homework & Notebook pages

This is the amazing video to go with this craft:

Here are the typed instructions for this video:

To make the Notebook pages, you will need:
Life-sized notebook paper

To make the Homework pages, you will need:
(optionally pen or pencil)

Here are the printables for this craft:
to print---- right click>left click>open in new tab>left click>print

First, take your notebook page, and place it so the page is facing you like this.
Then, take the bottom and fold it up (in half); Fold it in half the same way again. Next, unfold the page and turn it 90 degrees (so it's longways). After that, take the bottom and fold it up (in half); Fold it in half the same way again. Unfold the page again and now you should have 16 small rectangles. Cut those out and now your doll has notebook pages!

To make the homework pages, print out the printables, which are linked below.

Then, cut out the pages and now your doll has homework assignments! :D

That's it for this craft!

Thank you for looking at this and please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Grayt Videos for exciting new crafts you can make for your doll. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

AG nachos

This is the video instruction that I've posted on YouTube:

Here is the super printable for this craft:
To print them, you'll need to
left click on image> right click> open image in new tab> right click>print

Here are the typed instructions for this craft:

To make the deluxe nachos, you will need:
craft foam
aluminum foil
puffy paint
hot glue & glue gun (to glue nachos in place)
elmer's glue (to glue dressings in place)

To make the nachos container, you will need:
thin, recycled cardboard
Tape or glue
Straight-edged object (ruler)
Size-guide printable (optional)

For the nachos box, start by printing out the size-guide print-able (shown below). Cut it out, and trace the shape on to thin, recycled cardboard.

Cover the patterned side of the shape with aluminium foil. Then, score where you are going to fold. Next, fold and glue together with hot glue. You may need to hold the folds together until the glue dries.
Now you are done! On to the Nachos!!!


After making the box,  I made the deluxe nachos. First, take your yellow craft foam and cut it into a circle. (if not already) Then, cut each circle into quarters.
Next, take orange craft foam and cut it into little rectangles to be cheese. Cut up tiny squares of red craft foam to be tomatoes. Cut circles of black craft foam and poke a hole in the center for black olives. Do the same with green craft foam for jalapenos.
Glue the nachos in the box with hot glue. Be very careful when using hot glue!

Then, glue all the little pieces with elmer's glue. Seal the entire thing with elmer's glue.
When dry, add a "dollip" of white puffy paint for sour cream. That's it for the deluxe nachos!

Thank you for looking at this and make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, Grayt Videos for exciting new crafts you can make for your doll every Monday and Friday.